Providing Shelter in the Lower Yakima Valley
Noah’s Ark meets needs in the Yakima Valley.
In one of the poorest regions in the State of Washington, Noah’s Ark has provided a sanctuary since 2007 dedicated to a sense of dignity and offering hope with services that include a clothing bank, a central location where collaborative community partners can travel to Wapato, clients are served 3 warm meals per day and, when needed, emergency overnight shelter for men and women.
How We Began
In 2007, concerned community leaders from Wapato and the region, from the Yakama Indian Nation, and drug-counseling representatives met to discuss solutions regarding chronic homeless in the rural, poor area – many of them sleeping and living on the streets and parks in Wapato.
Generating Hope was founded by Robecka Morrow, who led the agency until health matters required her to retire in 2012.
The Rev. David Hacker purchased a large building in a commercial part of Wapato – and with the help of Yakima County, the Yakama Nation, the Yakima Valley Community Foundation, and many others brought it into code compliance so it could operate as an emergency shelter, provide sustaining meals to counter drug-alcohol addiction and for the poor in need of nourishment, and, most importantly, a centrally located center where those in need can seek assistance to include visits from community-service medical teams and other agencies.
Noah’s Ark is named after Sheri Noah, a Presbyterian minister who dedicated her life to meeting the needs of the poor, the disadvantaged, and the homeless. Following her untimely death from cancer, David Hacker dedicated his life to continue that mission of helping others by providing his place to Generating Hope as a place where the lost can find their way – and to “Generate Hope” their lives .
We offer non-judgmental hospitality: you are not turned away if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol – or have nowhere else to go.
In a remote, rural area where there are few alternatives for shelter or food, the alternative to our ARK’s sanctuary can mean freezing, dehydration during summer heat, becoming a victim to abuse or robbery, or becoming sick with no help. The Ark’s year-around day and overnight presence through its known location are necessary throughout the year.
All who enter must abide by shelter rules, however, which means zero-tolerance for drug or alcohol use – and abiding by the spirit of a sanctuary where peace and relations to others is important.

Generating Hope
In 2010, Hillary Hacker led a team of shelter residents, students, and other interested volunteers to create a community mural that embodied a sense of Native American spirituality and symbols, Hispanic and Latino heritage, fish and animals, and the agricultural richness of Our Central Washington region.
This video explains its origin and completion. A Yakama Nation client explains the interaction. Noah’s Ark involves not only those experiencing homelessness in a community, but inter-relates to all of the communities that surround it. A local community dedication was held in the fall of 2010.
Generating Hope is funded by a combination of grants, public, donations from businesses, congregations, and individual donations.
At Noah’s Ark we build community by honoring cultural diversity, culturally-specific rituals and events, publicize community events, house meetings, etc.