Generating Hope, featuring Noah’s Ark
Welcome to Generating Hope, a tax-exempt 501(c)3 non profit corporation founded in 2005 by community members who wanted to address the issue of housing insecurity and homelessness in and around the Wapato area on the Yakama Nation. Our major project is Noah’s Ark, a low-barrier shelter and service center for chronically homeless persons based in downtown Wapato.
Overnight Shelter
Noah’s Ark is a low-barrier place of refuge from the elements, open every night, 365 days a year, with 27 beds for men and 7 beds for women.
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:40
Vision, Mission and Values
Vision & Mission
Vision: The vision of Generating Hope is of a whole community where everyone is housed, fed, and no one is abandoned, or discarded.
Mission: The mission of Generating Hope is to meet basic needs, educate, empower, and re-connect the isolated to community.
- Access to food and shelter is a basic human right.
- Each of us has the power to reach our own potential.
- Every person has value and deserves dignity and compassion.
- Community is created by celebrating our unity in diversity, intentionally working toward equity, and giving voice to those on the margins.
Your Donation makes a difference!
You Can Help
Noah’s Ark is a place where HOPE comes alive for those who feel trapped in chronic homelessness. Noah’s Ark builds a foundation where people can have their basic needs met, through non-judgmental hospitality and a caring community that fosters recovery and the means to regain a sense of worth. Our residents accept responsibility for chores, help one another, cook meals, and see the way to transition to jobs and more stable housing.
Generating Hope and Noah’s Ark is made possible through the generous donations of money, time, and commitment on the part of many in this community.

Our Commitment
Generating Hope is guided by the values expressed in the Christian scripture parable of the sheep and the goats, Matthew 25. In this well-known passage, Jesus predicts that when communities are called before God, God will be with those who gave food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, who welcomed the stranger and visited the sick and the prisoners, for in treating people this way, God said, “Truly, as you did to the least of these, you did to me.” This drives our desire to treat with compassion those who are vulnerable, those who have been abused and neglected, those who are sick and in need of healing and acceptance, for we believe we are called to treat with love “the least of these.”